ECHOlab members
Marshall Burke
Sam Heft-Neal
Khusel Avirmed
Mariana Martins
Arsene Nessono
Jonas Wallstein
Chris Callahan
Brandon de la Cuesta
Makoto Kelp
Lisa Rennels
Andrew Wilson
June Choi
Karina French
E-IPER PhD student
Iván Higuera-Mendieta
Emma Krasovich Southworth
Past lab members
Emeriti: who | role in lab | last known coordinates
Anthony D'Agostino | postdoc | research economist at Mathematica
Garrett Albistegui-Adler | Phd student | postdoc, Princeton
Jay Amgalan | RA | IMF
Patrick Baylis | postdoc | asst prof, UBC econ
Patrick Behrer | postdoc | economist, World Bank
Elinor Benami | Phd student | asst prof, Virginia Tech ag econ
Marissa Childs | PhD student | postdoc, Harvard
Matt Davis | RA | PhD student in econ, Columbia
Anne Driscoll | RA | Carnegie Mellon
David Gonzalez | Phd student | asst prof, UC Berkeley public health
Carlos Gould | postdoc | asst prof, UC San Diego public health
Miyuki Hino | Phd student | asst prof, UNC urban design
Jessica Li | RA | PhD student in econ, UC San Diego
Casey Maue | Phd student | postdoc, Paris School of Economics
Jerry Min | RA | PhD student in political science, Harvard
Hemant Pullabhotla | postdoc | asst prof, Deakin University
Minghao Qiu | postdoc | asst prof, Stony Brook
Vaibhav Rathi | RA | PhD student in econ, Stockholm University
Nathan Ratledge | PhD student | start-up land
Matthieu Stigler | postdoc | research scholar, ETH-Zurich
Vincent Tanutama | RA | PhD student in public policy, UChicago
Tillman von Carnap | postdoc | asst prof, Univ of Oslo, economics
Jeff Wen | PhD student | Tesla
Jenny Xue | RA | PhD student in marketing, Wharton
Mustafa Zahid | RA | PhD student at ERG, UC Berkeley