Replication data + code for ECHOLab papers, organized by topic
Daily estimates of smoke PM2.5 for the contiguous US.
daily smoke PM estimates at 10km, census tract, county, and zip code level. Original data from Childs et al 2022 ES&T paper, updated v2.0 data from this preprint.
Jeff Wen and Marshall Burke. 2022. “Wildfire smoke exposure worsens learning outcomes”, Nature Sustainability.
Marshall Burke, Sam Heft-Neal, Jessica Li, Anne Driscoll, Patrick Baylis, Matthieu Stigler, Joakim Weill, Jennifer Burney, Jeff Wen, Marissa Childs, Carlos Gould. 2022. "Exposures and behavioral responses to wildfire smoke". Nature Human Behavior
Sam Heft-Neal, Anne Driscoll, Wei Yang, Gary Shaw, and Marshall Burke. 2022. Associations between wildfire smoke exposure during pregnancy and risk of preterm birth in California. Environmental Research, 2022.
Marshall Burke, Anne Driscoll, Sam Heft-Neal, Jenny Xue, Jen Burney, and Michael Wara. 2021. The changing risk and burden of wildfire in the US. PNAS, 2021
replication data and code
Miyuki Hino and Marshall Burke. 2021. The effect of information about climate risk on property values. PNAS 118(17), 2021. [replication data]
Frances Davenport, Marshall Burke, and Noah Diffenbaugh. 2021. Contribution of historical precipitation change to US flood damages. PNAS 118(4), 2021. [replication data]
Jon Proctor, Sol Hsiang, Jen Burney, Marshall Burke, and Wolfram Schlenker. 2018. "Estimating global agricultural effects of geoengineering using volcanic eruptions". Nature 560, 480-483. [paper] [replication code]
Marshall Burke, Felipe Gonzalez, Patrick Baylis, Sam Heft-Neal, Ceren Baysan, Sanjay Basu, and Sol Hsiang, 2018. "Higher temperatures increase suicide rates in the United States and Mexico", Nature Climate Change 8,723-729. [paper] [replication code]
Marshall Burke, Matt Davis, Noah Diffenbaugh. 2018. "Large potential reduction in economic damages under UN mitigation targets", Nature, 557, 549-553 [paper] [replication code]
Marshall Burke and Kyle Emerick. 2016. "Adaptation to climate change: Evidence from US agriculture". American Economic Journal -Economic Policy, 8(3), 106-140. [Replication data (~60mb)]
Marshall Burke, Sol Hsiang, and Ted Miguel. 2015. "Global non-linear effect of temperature on economic production." Nature.
See site we built to show results, access replication data, etc
Marshall Burke, John Dykema, David Lobell, Ted Miguel, and Shanker Satyanath. 2015. "Incorporating climate uncertainty into estimates of climate change impacts". Review of Economics and Statistics. [Replication data]